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Title: Pin-back button badge with photograph of Col. James E Fitzmaurice over crossed tricolours and shamrock, commemorating the arrival of the Bremen crew into the U.S. after the first east-west Atlantic crossing by air.
Keywords: button badge
Transantlantic Flight
Baldonnel Aerodrome
James Fitzmaurice
Issue Date: 7-Apr-2014
Description: Pin-back button badge with photograph of Col. James E Fitzmaurice over crossed tricolours and shamrock, commemorating the arrival of the Bremen crew into the U.S. after the first east-west Atlantic crossing by air. Text reads "Our Irish Hero Col. James E Fitzmaurice". The Bremen's flight started in Baldonnel Aerodrome.
Copyright: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies Collection
Appears in Collections:General Ephemera
Published Items

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