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Title: 54 – Jacob’s Well, Schechem
Authors: Mason, Thomas Optician
Keywords: Holy Land lantern slides
Jacob's Well
Issue Date: 1910
Publisher: Thomas Mason, Optician, 5-6 Dame Street, Dublin
Description: Slide 54: one of the latern slides shown at Clondalkin branch library c 1910 which had a printed description of the black and white slides. Below is description given in booklet that came with the slides; 54 – Jacob’s Well, Schechem Perhaps the most interesting spot at Nablus or Schechem is Jacob’s Well, and where sites which can be identified with certainty are rare, this spot stands out pre-eminently as a place about which there is unanimity of agreement and force of tradition, which go far to confirm its authenticity. It is venerated by the members of every religious community in Palestine, and is invested with an interest denied to many other localities, for it was here that Christ met the Women of Samaria, and made one of the most remarkable of His utterances. Remembering the religious fanaticism which characterised both Jew and Samaritan, the bigoted prejudice which envenomed the inveterate hatred they felt for each other, and which turned principally upon the rival claims for sanctity of their respective capitals, it seems almost incredible that a Jew could have been found, and He a carpenter, gifted with such lofty courage and such high spiritual intuition, that He should say – ‘Woman, believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither on this mountain nor at Jerusalem worship the Father. They that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and truth.’
Appears in Collections:Published Items
The Holy Land: a reading; a description of a series of lantern slides

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