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Title: Sackville Street and O'Connell Bridge
Authors: Unknown
Williams, Joe
Keywords: Sackville Street and O'Connell Bridge
trams, pedestrians and horse drawn traffic
prominent business names
William Smith O'Brien statue
Issue Date: 1900
Publisher: Valentines Dublin
Description: Colour tinted postcard of a busy Sackville Street and O'Connell Bridge with trams, pedestrians and horse drawn traffic. Business names prominent on buildings on Bachelor's Walk include John Wallis & Sons, Great Southern & Western, Monument House and C. Butler & Sons Musical Instruments. On Eden Quay a sign for P. Donnelly & Sons is visible. The statue of Nationalish M.P. and Young Ireland leader William Smith O'Brien (1803 - 1864) situated where Westmoreland Street and D'Olier Street join the quays facing O'Connell Bridge, was removed to O'Connell Street in 1929.
Appears in Collections:Joe Williams Postcard Collection
Published Items

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