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Title: Then and Now - Black and Tans and Auxiliaries. Taken outside the London and North Western Hotel, North Wall, Dublin
Authors: Power, David
South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Keywords: London and North Western Hotel
IRA raid
War of Independence
North Wall
Issue Date: 11-Apr-1921
Description: Black and Tans and Auxiliaries. Taken outside the London and North Western Hotel, North Wall, Dublin after an IRA raid. Twelve bombs were thrown at the windows of the hotel, which was occupied by members of the Auxiliaries on duty at the docks. Six men fired revolvers at the windows. Fire was returned by the police and one man was killed in the act of throwing a bomb. One Auxiliary was slightly wounded. These Cadets were all ex-naval officers and did not perform usual raiding duties in Ireland, but examined all cargo boats etc. for contraband arriving in Dublin.
Copyright: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Appears in Collections:1916-1921: Revolution
Published Items

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