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Title: Then and now - Free State army using a field gun on Henry Street
Authors: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Keywords: Civil War
Henry Street
Free State troops
Battle of Dublin
Issue Date: Jul-1922
Description: Free State army using a field gun on Henry Street to destroy an IRA stronghold on O'Connell Street known as "The Block" which included the Gresham Hotel. One of a series of composite images created by superimposing original archive material onto modern-day views of locations connected to Ireland's Revolutionary Period.
Copyright: Original archive material reproduced by kind permission of Janice Broe. South Dublin Libraries do not own the reproduction rights to the original archive material. If you wish to reproduce the original material please contact South Dublin Libraries, Local Studies Collection, County Library, Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24, 353 (0)1 4620073 email:
Appears in Collections:1922: Civil War
Published Items

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