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Title: Then and Now - Joseph A. Sweeney (Age 18) "E" Coy, 4th Batt. Holy Thursday, 1916 at the front steps of St. Enda's
Authors: Power, David
The Pearse Museum
Power, David
Keywords: 1916 Rising
Easter Rising
St. Enda's
Joseph A. Sweeney
Irish Volunteer
Issue Date: Apr-1916
Description: Then and Now - Joseph A. Sweeney (Age 18) "E" Coy, 4th Batt., St. Enda's, Holy Thursday, 1916. Photo taken outside the front steps of St. Enda's on Holy Thursday, 1916.
Copyright: Original archive material reproduced by kind permission of the Pearse Museum.
Appears in Collections:1916-1921: Revolution
Published Items

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