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Title: British Army maneouvre a tank across Capel Street near the junction with Mary Street, Dublin.
Authors: Nationaal Archief/Spaarnestad Photo/Collection Het Leven
Keywords: Tank
Mary Street
British Troops
War of Independence
Issue Date: 1920
Publisher: Het Leven
Description: British Army maneouvre a tank across Capel Street near the junction with Mary Street, Dublin.
Copyright: Reproduced by kind permission of Nationaal Archief/Spaarnestad Photo/Collection Het Leven. South Dublin Libraries do not own the reproduction rights to this image. If you wish to reproduce this image please contact: Spaarnestad Photo p/a postbus 90520, 2509 LM Den Haag, Prins Willem Alexanderhof 20 The Netherlands or e-mail
Appears in Collections:1916-1921: Revolution
Published Items

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