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Title: One of two placards placed by the German army above the parapet of their trenches on the 9th of May 1916, in Hulluch, north-eastern France.
Authors: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Keywords: WWI
First World War
World War One
Royal Munster Fusiliers
German Propaganda
Issue Date: 1-May-1916
Publisher: South Dublin Libraries
Description: One of two placards placed by the German army above the parapet of their trenches on the 9th of May 1916, in Hulluch, north-eastern France. The placard faced the Royal Muster Fusiliers' trench."Irishmen! Heavy uproar in Ireland. English guns are firing at Your wifes [sic] and children!" The placards provided some amusement to the Munsters who used them for target practice evidenced by the bullet holes. At 1am the next morning, a patrol led by Lieutenant F J Biggane of the Munsters cut the German wire and captured both placards. They were later presented to King George V.
Copyright: If you wish to reproduce this image please contact South Dublin Libraries Local Studies, County Library, Tallaght, or e-mail
Location: Click here to view the location in Google Maps  Google Marker
Appears in Collections:Published Items
World War I

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