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Title: Letter dated November 19th 1833 to Mary Scott at Woodville from General Laufen(?), Harmberg Munich
Authors: Scott Family
Scott Family, Woodville Estate
Keywords: Woodville Estate Lucan
Issue Date: 1833
Description: Letter dated November 19th 1833 to Mary Scott at Woodville from General Laufen(?), Harmberg Munich. He reports the release of a report there about the usefulness or otherwise of Pawn Shops for the poor. Labour and thrifty habits are of more benefit. He mentions the marriage of a Webber to a Winchester and predicts many children and a breakup of the relationship. He relates the story of a friend who returned from India and for which the sun "appeared to have had no other effect that coppering his countenance". Problems with tenants and praise for a "trusty valet" are mentioned.
Copyright: Reproduced by kind permission of the Scott family. South Dublin Libraries do not own the reproduction rights to this image. If you wish to reproduce this image please contact South Dublin Libraries Local Studies, County Library, Tallaght, or e-mail
Location: Click here to view the location in Google Maps  Google Marker
Appears in Collections:Published Items
Woodville: Scott Family Collection

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