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Title: Maps detailing the preferences of the various parishes as to joining the Free State, and the trading hinterlands of the impending Northern State
Authors: North Eastern Boundary Bureau
Keywords: Partition
Irish Border
Issue Date: 1923
Description: Maps detailing the preferences of the various parishes as to joining the Free State, and the trading hinterlands of the impending Northern State. Part of the 'Handbook of the Ulster Question' by the North Eastern Boundary Bureau. The bureau was established in late 1922 as part of the Irish Free State’s efforts to establish the Irish Boundary Commission, promised in Article 12 of the Anglo Irish Treaty of 6th December, 1921.
Copyright: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies.
Appears in Collections:Books
Published Items

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File Description SizeFormat 
wm_HinterlandsMap2.jpgWatermarked Web Image9.98 MBJPEGThumbnail
wm_PopulationMap copy.jpgWatermarked Web Image82.49 MBJPEGThumbnail

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