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Title: Letter from John Davie Scott to his mother in Locksley, Shankill. In it he thanks his mother for the letter she sent him (from Gerald?) who was detached from his battalion
Authors: Scott Family
Scott Family, Woodville Estate
Keywords: Woodville Estate Lucan
Issue Date: 26-Oct-1917
Description: Letter from John Davie Scott to his mother in Locksley, Shankill. In it he thanks his mother for the letter she sent him (from Gerald?) who was detached from his battalion. He considers himself lucky he didn't accept a posting in India when he could. "I should now have been interned deep in Mesopotamia probably, or some other heathenish spot". Complains of rain, but he says he is set up in an apartment with an oil stove and acetylene lamp.
Copyright: Reproduced by kind permission of the Scott family. South Dublin Libraries do not own the reproduction rights to this image. If you wish to reproduce this image please contact South Dublin Libraries Local Studies, County Library, Tallaght, or e-mail
Appears in Collections:Published Items
Woodville: Scott Family Collection

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