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Title: Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection No. 52: Father John Madden
Authors: O'Keeffe, Maurice
Madden, Father John
Keywords: Carmelite
Terenure College
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2009
Publisher: Maurice O'Keeffe
Description: Fr John Madden, aged 76, is a native of Phibsboro, in Dublin where his father worked in the grocery business. Fr John speaks about his life in Terenure College from 1958 onward, where he taught mathematics. This is a very valuable insight into the life of a boarding school in these years. The strict regime endured by approximately 110 boarders, and up to 1,000 day boys, is described. He discusses his thoughts on the changes in teaching practices, the advent of lay teachers, and he also speaks about the community and its characters.
Copyright: Copyright is held jointly by South Dublin Libraries and Maurice O'Keeffe. Written permission is required for commercial publication of this material cd52.mp3
Appears in Collections:Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection
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