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Title: Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection No. 25: Joan O'Kelly
Authors: O'Keeffe, Maurice
O'Kelly, Joan
Keywords: Killakee
Massy Estate
Lord Massy's Wood
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2009
Publisher: Maurice O'Keeffe
Description: Joan O'Kelly's family, the Caseys, lived for many generations in the Rathfarnham area. In this interview Joan speaks about her childhood memories of the Eighth Baron, Lord Massy, who was evicted from his house and she remembers all the splendour and beauty of Killakee house before it was demolished. She then speaks about her own enterprises, first doing milk rounds during the Emergency period, and running a small shop on the roadside leading to the bog.
Copyright: Copyright is held jointly by South Dublin Libraries and Maurice O'Keeffe. Written permission is required for commercial publication of this material
Appears in Collections:Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection
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