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Title: Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection No. 21: Joe Devine, Part One.
Authors: O'Keeffe, Maurice
Devin, Joe
Keywords: education
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2009
Publisher: Maurice O'Keeffe
Description: Joe Devine, age 79, is a native of Galway. He studied at UCG, attaining degrees in several disciplines. He was appointed principal of a primary school in Cavan an later moved to work with the Obalates in Inchicore as vice principal in 1956. In this recording Joe talks at length about polytopes and he describes his visits to schools, organised by the Department of Education, teaching the subject.
Copyright: Copyright is held jointly by South Dublin Libraries and Maurice O'Keeffe. Written permission is required for commercial publication of this material
Appears in Collections:Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection
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