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Title: Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection No. 41: Joe Dowling
Authors: O'Keeffe, Maurice
Dowling, Joe
Keywords: bailiff
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2009
Publisher: Maurice O'Keeffe
Description: Joe Dowling was born and has lived in his ancestral home for 75 years. He is able to trace back his ancestors, who farmed the land there, for four generations. The home originally belonged to the Davitt family, until Joe’s grandfather married in there. Joe, for many years, acted as Bailiff and looked after the lakes in the area. He also served his time as a postman locally and he can recall the names of all the old people. His great interest in memorabilia was quite evident in the display of antiquities in his house.
Copyright: Copyright is held jointly by South Dublin Libraries and Maurice O'Keeffe. Written permission is required for commercial publication of this material
Appears in Collections:Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection
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