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Title: Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection No. 51: Reverend William Deverell
Authors: O'Keeffe, Maurice
Deverell, Reverend William
Keywords: Church of Ireland
community service
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2009
Publisher: Maurice O'Keeffe
Description: Rev. Deverell is a Church of Ireland Minister who has spent 10 years ministering in Tallaght. He is a native of Rathgar. He describes his first appointment at Six Mile Cross in Carrigmore and he then moved to Tallaght in the year 2000. His congregation there was well established, but it has changed over the years, and now includes many immigrants, whom he is working to integrate into the community. He finally speaks about his bishop, who allows him considerable security of tenure in his post.
Copyright: Copyright is held jointly by South Dublin Libraries and Maurice O'Keeffe. Written permission is required for commercial publication of this material
Appears in Collections:Irish Life and Lore South Dublin County Collection
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