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Title: Jimmy Lee Storyteller
Authors: South Dublin County Council
Lee, Jimmy
South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Keywords: Glassamucky
Reminiscences of schooldays
School Inspectors
School during the troubles in 1920s
Farm work
entertainment - dancing cards and coin toss
steam tram
Ghost stories will-o-the-wisp - glow worms
bridogue house to house in February
all night dancing
priest’s approval of St. Bridget’s dances
Irish mythology
Coffin Stone
Seefin Seechon named after Fionn MacCumhail / Fin McCool
Water works
graveyard with “Stranger’s Corner” gravestone inscription missing
names of streams in Glassamucky
Poem about the Carney United Irishmen hanging mentions Lundy Foot
Dan Donnelly
Recollection of Robert Emmet’s Rathfarnham house being demolished
Issue Date: 4-Sep-2012
Description: Jimmy talks about his youth in Glassamucky—schooldays in the valley—lack of School holidays—teachers— school inspectors—School during the troubles in 1920s—Farm work—entertainment dancing cards and coin toss— steam tram—Ghost stories—will-o-the-wisp—glow worms—bridogue house to house in February—all night dancing—priest’s approval of St. Bridget’s dances—Irish mythology—Coffin Stone—Seefin Seechon named after Fionn MacCumhail—Water works—graveyard with “Stranger’s Corner” gravestone inscription missing—townlands and their names—names of streams in the area—Smiths as last Irish speakers in the area—Poem about the Carney United Irishmen hanging mentions Lundy Foot—Dan Donnelly lived nearby—recollection of Robert Emmet’s house being demolished in Rathfarnham. Panning shots of the valley
Copyright: South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Appears in Collections:Digitised video
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