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Title: O'Connell Street and O'Connell Bridge from Aston Quay
Authors: unknown
Williams, Joe
Keywords: O'Connell Street and O'Connell Bridge
advertising signs
Denny's Bacon, Harris Radio, Kapp & Peterson Ltd.,
Players cigarettes, Everest choolates and the Irish Hospital's Sweepstake
Issue Date: 1935
Publisher: Valentines Postcards.
Description: Postcard of O'Connell Street and O'Connell Bridge taken from Aston Quay showing trams, buses, motor vehicles and pedestrians. Prominent advertising signs can be seen for Denny's Bacon, Harris Radio, Kapp & Peterson Ltd., Players cigarettes, Everest choolates and the Irish Hospital's Sweepstake.
Appears in Collections:Joe Williams Postcard Collection
Published Items

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