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Title: Photo of what is alleged to be the result of a military engagement in County Kerry.
Authors: Nationaal Archief/Spaarnestad Photo/Collection Het Leven
Keywords: RIC Intelligence
Royal Irish Constabulary
Fake photo
Vico Road
Issue Date: 27-Nov-1920
Publisher: Het Leven
Description: This photograph purports to be the result of a military engagement in County Kerry (reported as the "Battle of Tralee"). The Illustrated London News of 27 November 1920 used the photograph on its front page with the following description: "The above photograph is typical of the state of things in the country. It was taken during the "battle of Tralee" where a convoy of R.I.C. Cadets was ambushed by Republicans. Three Sinn Feiners were killed and one cadet was wounded. The cadet and two of the Sinn Feiners are seen lying in the road". The photo was published in a number of other newspapers before the actual location was identified as Vico Road in Dalkey. The photograph was found to have been staged by members of RIC Intelligence. The British government was forced to admit in December 1920, in the House of Commons, that the photograph was faked.
Copyright: Reproduced by kind permission of Nationaal Archief/Spaarnestad Photo/Collection Het Leven. South Dublin Libraries do not own the reproduction rights to this image. If you wish to reproduce this image please contact: Spaarnestad Photo p/a postbus 90520, 2509 LM Den Haag, Prins Willem Alexanderhof 20 The Netherlands or e-mail
Appears in Collections:1916-1921: Revolution
Published Items

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