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Title: 65 – Mount Tabor
Authors: Thomas Mason Optician
Thomas Mason Optician
South Dublin Libraries Local Studies
Keywords: Clondalkin Branch Library
lantern slide
Holy Land
Kfar Tavor
Issue Date: 1910
Publisher: Thomas Mason Optician, 5-6 Dame St Dublin.
Description: Slide 65: one of a collection of lantern slides shown at Clondalkin branch library c 1910. Description given in booklet: Resuming our journey we take the highway to Galilee, a road which our Saviour must often have trodden. In a little, Tabor disentangles itself from the hills around, and stands grandly out on the plain some half dozen miles to the east of us, as if to draw the eye and challenge the admiration of the traveller. Its colour is of a dark green; its form symmetrical; and its position, apart on the plain, save a rocky ridge that ties it to the north side of the Galilean range. Tabor is one of the finest object on which the eye can rest in Palestine, but its height is not great, being only 1,500 feet above the plain, and 2,000 feet above the sea level.
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Appears in Collections:Published Items
The Holy Land: a reading; a description of a series of lantern slides

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