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Title: Sales brochure semi-detached houses built by Brennan & Mc Gowan Group in Aylesbury Tallaght 1977
Authors: Brennan & Mc Gowan Group
Keywords: sales brochure for semi-detached houses
Brennan & Mc Gowan Group
Aylesbury Tallaght 1977
Building Society loan over 20 years
Issue Date: Feb-1977
Description: A sales brochure for semi-detached houses built by the Brennan & Mc Gowan Group in Aylesbury Tallaght for sale in 1977 with coal fire central heating for £10,695. The brochure cites the cost of a 75% Building Society loan over 20 years @ 11.85% interest rate.
Appears in Collections:General Ephemera
Published Items

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Aylsbury Showhouse built by Brennan & Mc Gowan Group 1977 for £10,695.pdf4.67 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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